Government Commitment for a More Sustainable Future for Biodiversity and Progress of Medium-term Sustainable Development Scientifique Research
Country: Morocco
Title of the Journal : WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development
Title of the Special Issue : Government Commitment for a More Sustainable Future for Biodiversity and Progress of Medium-term Sustainable Development Scientifique Research
Specifically, we invite the Environment and Development science community to contribute to this Special Issue, focusing on, but not limited to the following potential topics:
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Name of the Organizer: Asmae Zbiri
Department: Department of Ecology and Environment
University: Mohammed V University Welcome Message from the Organizer: Many countries in the world have been engaged in the fight against climate change, water stress, famine, degradation of natural areas, habitat destruction, species extinction, disruption of people's way of life...ect.
The vision of Sustainable Development is to implement a green economy which could be achieved through scientific research projects. Countries around the world have undeniable assets to ensure this implementation, as evidenced by the energy policy, expertise in water management, social policy supported by the initiative of Human Development that must be generalize the sustainable approach by acting concomitantly on several sites. In some countries, the finance department is in charge of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) because the implementation of the goals requires a fluid financial mechanism. However, scientific research should contribute to the acceleration of this transition by developing indicators and results in all areas. Monitoring climate change and its impact on natural resources is a challenge throughout for all continents. Our role is to ensure our future green economy with a scientific intelligence artificial and economic sustainable.